
Nexus 7 とポケモンキーボード

バトル&ゲット ポケモンタイピングDS (シロ)

「ポケモンキーボード」は、日本の Nexus 7 ユーザーにとって便利なガジェットだ。

Nexus 7 を含むタブレット端末は、長文を書くには向かない。だが、もしそのタブレットが bluetooth に対応していたら、bluetooth キーボードにより、タブレットで長文を書くのが容易になる。

ポケモンキーンボードとは日本のスラングで、任天堂のタイピングゲーム「バトル&ゲット ポケモンタイピングDS」に付属の bluetooth キーボードのことだ。ゲームをする子供のために作られたものだ。だが、私を含めた少なからぬ日本の大人の Nexus 7 ユーザーが、このタイピングゲームを買って、ポケモンキーボードをその費用対効果から使用している。

ポケモンキーボードは安価だ。 何か月前には、「バトル&ゲット ポケモンタイピングDS」の値段は2,000円ほどだった(残念なことに、今日、その値段は3,000円ほどに上昇している)。


ポケモンキーボードは、Nexus 7 デフォルトブラウザの Chrome で日本語入力すると、かつては問題があった。だが、現在はバグは修正されていて、問題なく使用できる。

ポケモンキーボードは iPad や Kindle Fire HD のユーザーにも利用されている。

"Pokemon Keyboard" is a useful gadget for Japanese Nexus 7 users.

Tablet devices, including Nexus 7, is not fit for writing long text. But if the tablet has bluetooth, bluetooth keyboard makes it easy to write long text with tablets.

Pokemon Keyboard is a Japanese slang that means a bluetooth keyboard included in a Nintendo DS typing game Battle and Get! Pokemon Typing. So, it is made for children who play game. But not a few Japanese adult Nexus 7 users, including me, buy the typing game and use Pokemon Keyboard because of its cost-effectiveness.

We can get the keyboard at reasonable price. Several months ago, the price of Battle and Get! Pokemon Typing is about 2,000 yen (Unfortunately, today the price has risen to about 3,000 yen).

In addition to that, it is not poor quality. First, it works well. It has good key response. Second, it is indestructible. I suppose Nintendo develops the indestructible keyboard because children may treat keyboard roughly. Third, it is easy to use.  Keys are located in standard locations. Forth, battery lasts long.

Pokemon Keyboard once has trouble inputting Japanese with Chrome, default browser. But today the bug is fixed. We can use the keyboard with no problem.

Pokemon Keyboard is also used by iPad and Kindle Fire HD users.


鳥の繁殖期 | The breeding season of birds



心温まる話である。だが、私はこの時期にぞっとするような経験もした。何年か前、突然カラスに襲われたのだ。ある道を歩いていたところ、そのカラスが背後から私の頭を襲い、飛び去って行った。なぜカラスが私を襲ったのかは分からないが、思うに、私は知らないうちにカラスの巣の近くを歩いていたのではないかと 思う。カラスの中には電柱に巣を作るものがいて、私は時々気づかずに通り過ぎてしまう。繁殖期になると、カラスは雛を守るために攻撃的になるという。

The other day when I walked around a suburb, I happened to see three spot-billed ducks gathering by the roadside. When I crossed right in front of them, they did not fly away and stayed there. I did not know what they were doing.

That reminded me of the breeding season of birds. Every year during this season I sometimes happen to see spot-billed ducks swimming with their chicks.

It is a heartwarming story. But I also had a dreadful experience in this season. Several years ago I was suddenly attacked by a crow. When I walked down a street, it kicked my head from behind and flied away. I do not know why the crow attacked me but I guess that is because I walked near it's nest without noticing it. Some crows make their nests on the top of telegraph poles, and I sometimes walk near them without noticing them. I heard crows are aggressive in the breeding season to protect their chicks.


郷土史が好き | I love local history






I love local history. My interest in local history ranges from ancient history to contemporary history. For example, ancient remains, castle ruins, old forgotten railway tracks, etc.

But one man made a nasty remark about me. He said, "What's the use of learning history?"

That is a silly question. I learn local history for personal interest. It matters little whether local history knowledge is useful or not.

But in terms of usefulness, knowing local history helps me to understand my community. I am always of the opinion that the present does not exist without the past.

In addition, I realized recently that learning local history, especially contemporary history, helps me to talk with older people. In fact, when I met older people, my local history knowledge was a good topic of conversation with them who have lived in the area for a long time.


Nexus 7 買った | I bought a Nexus 7

Nexus 7 を昨年末に買った。それ以来愛用しているが、とても満足している。長生きはするものだ。

Nexus 7 は Google 社が Asus 社と共同で作った 7インチタブレットだ。そのサイズはアップル社の iPad(9.7インチ)に比べると小さい。



非常に高機能なので、よく言われるように、このタブレットはラップトップにある程度とって代われるほどだ。Nexus 7 を Bluetoothキーボードとともに使うことは、言ってみれば、ミニミニラップトップを使っているようなものだ。それでいて、ラップトップより経済的で 携帯性に優れている。

I bought a Nexus 7 at the end of the last year.  Since then I have been using it habitually. I am very satisfied with the device.

Nexus 7 is a 7-inch tablet made by Google in collaboration with Asus. Its size is smaller than 9.7 inch Apple iPad.

I am amazed at the new technology. It may be because I had never used a tablet or a smartphone until I bought the gadget.

The main reason why I feel so comfortable to use the gadget is because of its size. 7-inch tablet is easy to carry about, so I can use it anywhere. But it is not too small to use like cell phone.

It is so functional that as is often said, the tablet can substitute for laptop to some degree. Nexus7 with a bluetooth keyboard is, so to say, a mini mini laptop. And it is more economical and portable than laptop.